Admissions to Field End Junior School

We understand how important to is to make the right choice of school and so we encourage prospective parents/carers to visit the school.
Tours of the school are held each Friday morning at 9.30. If you are interested in booking a place on the tour, please email or alternatively you can call the school on 02088668752
Here are some questions that prospective parents/carers may have:
What happens on a school tour?
The tour is an opportunity to meet the Headteacher and hear about what the school will provide for your child. It is a chance to ask specific questions and then visit the classrooms. Where possible, a member of the Junior Leadership Team (JLT) will also be available to answer questions.
Can I bring my child on the tour?
Yes, we welcome the opportunity to meet prospective pupils too.
Is the process different if my child has additional needs or has an EHCP?
If your child has additional needs, a further meeting/telephone call will be arranged with the SENDCo who will discuss your child’s needs and support in greater detail. It also helps begin to build a relationship between home and school which is so important.
The admissions of pupils with an EHCP is a completely separate process and we are very happy to discuss this with you.
Admission Arrangements
In-year Admissions (outside the usual admissions window)
For pupils from Year 3 to Year 6
Field End Junior School is part of Vanguard Learning Trust and is its own Admissions Authority. This means that prospective parents and carers can apply directly to the school.
We continue to work closely with Hillingdon Admissions Team who will inform us should any families name Field End Junior School as their preferred choice. You will be invited on a tour of the school and asked to complete an application form.
Please call in to the school for an application form or email
Applying for a place in year 3
For pupils applying form Year 2 for a junior school place, you must apply to the London Borough of Hillingdon Admissions Team. They can be contacted on 01895 556644.
Please click on the link below for Hillingdon Admissions
For pupils applying from Year 2 for a Junior School place to Year 3 you must apply to The London Borough of Hillingdon Admissions Team on 01895 556644