Promoting Positive Behaviour at Field End Junior School

Our school is a place where every person has the right to be themselves and to belong, and to learn in a safe and happy environment. Everyone at our school is equal, and treats each other with respect and kindness.
We expect every child to excel at Field End Junior School - not only academically, but to become kind, resilient and responsible global citizens too. The safety, welfare, and well-being of all pupils and staff, is a key priority. We actively promote values of respect and equality, and work to ensure difference and diversity are celebrated across the whole school community. We want to prepare Field End Junior School children for life in a diverse society.
We are a Bronze Rights Respecting School where children are taught their rights and responsibilities as members of a wider community. All children are expected to follow the 5Rs:

Respect for the school environment
Respect for my learning
Respect for others children’s learning
To speak respectfully
To behave respectfully
These rules reflect those that will be expected of our pupils by society when they leave school, and enter the world of work or further study.
Our approach to ensuring children learn to make the right choices is positive and restorative. We actively teach and encourage children to demonstrate kindness and empathy towards others within the curriculum.
At Field End Junior School, we recognise that every child is unique and may require different strategies to be able to self-regulate, appreciate the needs of others and recognise the rights of others.
Children are recognised for demonstrating respect and kindness through:
Star of the Week certificates
Kindness badges
Weekly golden time
House points
Additional roles and responsibilities
Children are aware of our clear system of sanctions that allows them opportunities to reflect on their behaviour choices and make changes, so that they learn from their mistakes and thereby develop resilience. The aim of any sanction is to:
reinforce recognition of rights and responsibilities
provide consistent boundaries for pupils
Improve pupils’ behaviour choices over time
Therefore, sanctions are part of a wider educational approach to addressing breaches of the school rules and includes a restorative approach as outlined in the behaviour policy.
The use of sanctions will be in line with the school behaviour policy but may vary depending on the context of the situation including the age, understanding and needs of the child concerned and the severity and/or frequency of an incident. School staff will use their professional judgement in determining the best course of action, which may result in a different range of actions, or a different order for the steps taken than those outlined.