Our approach to the curriculum

The Field End Junior School curriculum is designed to prepare our pupils for the next stage in their learning and their futures. Through our curriculum, we aim to develop the whole child and this is reflected in its design.
As we are a Junior School, we are conscious of the importance of knowing what our pupils learned in the EYFS and KS1. When designing our curriculum we considered this.
Reading is a strength in our school. It drives our curriculum and underpins the units delivered in each year group.
Each subject is taught discretely to ensure coverage and progression, but where it is appropriate; links are made across the subjects to give our pupils a more holistic approach to their learning. The drawing out of common themes or golden threads that connect some of the subjects further strengthens this approach. An example of this would be the theme of diversity, which appears in the history, geography, art and the music curricula.
At Field End Junior School, we have invested in commercial schemes to support our curriculum but have personalised them to reflect our cohorts and their interests.
When delivering the curriculum, all teachers make the necessary adjustments and adaptations to ensure that each pupil, regardless of their needs, can access their learning and the curriculum offered to them.
We support all pupils in developing the skills to learn actively, work collaboratively and use prior knowledge to unlock new learning.
As part of our offer, we also ensure that we share our curriculum with our families. We do this by sending curriculum letters and overviews each half term. They are also sent out each Friday on the bulletin. As part of our termly Open Classrooms events, we also invite families into to look at their children’s books. This also provides our pupils with the opportunity to celebrate their work with their families.
If you wish to find out more about the curriculum at Field End Junior School, please email enquiries@fieldendjuniors.org.uk. Your query will be forwarded to the appropriate member of staff who will respond.